OpenVSP API Documentation 3.42.3
No Matches
File Input and Output Functions

This group of functions provides file input and output interfacing through the API. Click here to return to the main page. More...


void vsp::ReadVSPFile (const std::string &file_name)
void vsp::WriteVSPFile (const std::string &file_name, int set=SET_ALL)
void vsp::SetVSP3FileName (const std::string &file_name)
void vsp::InsertVSPFile (const std::string &file_name, const std::string &parent_geom_id)
std::string vsp::ExportFile (const std::string &file_name, int thick_set, int file_type, int subsFlag=1, int thin_set=vsp::SET_NONE, bool useMode=false, const string &modeID="")
std::string vsp::ImportFile (const std::string &file_name, int file_type, const std::string &parent)
void vsp::SetBEMPropID (const string &prop_id)

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ ExportFile()

std::string vsp::ExportFile ( const std::string & file_name,
int thick_set,
int file_type,
int subsFlag = 1,
int thin_set = vsp::SET_NONE,
bool useMode = false,
const string & modeID = "" )

Export a file from OpenVSP. Many formats are available, such as STL, IGES, and SVG. If a mesh is generated for a particular export, the ID of the MeshGeom will be returned. If no mesh is generated an empty string will be returned.

string wid = AddGeom( "WING" ); // Add Wing
ExportFile( "Airfoil_Metadata.csv", SET_ALL, EXPORT_SELIG_AIRFOIL );
string mesh_id = ExportFile( "Example_Mesh.msh", SET_ALL, EXPORT_GMSH );
DeleteGeom( mesh_id ); // Delete the mesh generated by the GMSH export
Definition APIDefines.h:535
Definition APIDefines.h:546
std::string ExportFile(const std::string &file_name, int thick_set, int file_type, int subsFlag=1, int thin_set=vsp::SET_NONE, bool useMode=false, const string &modeID="")
void DeleteGeom(const std::string &geom_id)
std::string AddGeom(const std::string &type, const std::string &parent=std::string())
See also
[in]file_nameExport file name
[in]thick_setSet index to export (i.e. SET_ALL)
[in]file_typeFile type enum (i.e. EXPORT_IGES)
[in]subsFlagFlag to tag subsurfaces if MeshGeom is created
[in]thin_setSet index to export as degenerate geometry (i.e. SET_NONE)
[in]useModebool Flag determine if mode is used instead of sets
[in]modeIDstring ID of Mode to use
Mesh Geom ID if the export generates a mesh

◆ ImportFile()

std::string vsp::ImportFile ( const std::string & file_name,
int file_type,
const std::string & parent )

Import a file into OpenVSP. Many formats are available, such as NASCART, V2, and BEM). The imported Geom, mesh, or other object is inserted as a child of the specified parent. If no parent or an invalid parent is given, the import will be done at the top level.

See also
[in]file_nameImport file name
[in]file_typeFile type enum (i.e. IMPORT_PTS)
[in]parentParent Geom ID (ignored with empty string)

◆ InsertVSPFile()

void vsp::InsertVSPFile ( const std::string & file_name,
const std::string & parent_geom_id )

Insert an external OpenVSP project into the current project. All Geoms in the external project are placed as children of the specified parent. If no parent or an invalid parent is given, the Geoms are inserted at the top level.

[in]file_namestring *.vsp3 filename
[in]parent_geom_idstring Parent geom ID (ignored with empty string)

◆ ReadVSPFile()

void vsp::ReadVSPFile ( const std::string & file_name)

Load an OpenVSP project from a VSP3 file

string fid = AddGeom( "FUSELAGE", "" ); // Add Fuselage
string fname = "example_fuse.vsp3";
SetVSP3FileName( fname );
//==== Save Vehicle to File ====//
Print( "\tSaving vehicle file to: ", false );
Print( fname );
//==== Reset Geometry ====//
Print( string( "--->Resetting VSP model to blank slate\n" ) );
ReadVSPFile( fname );
void ReadVSPFile(const std::string &file_name)
void SetVSP3FileName(const std::string &file_name)
void WriteVSPFile(const std::string &file_name, int set=SET_ALL)
void Update(bool update_managers=true)
void ClearVSPModel()
std::string GetVSPFileName()
[in]file_name*.vsp3 file name

◆ SetBEMPropID()

void vsp::SetBEMPropID ( const string & prop_id)

Set the ID of the propeller to be exported to a BEM file. Call this function before ExportFile.

//==== Add Prop Geometry ====//
string prop_id = AddGeom( "PROP" );
SetBEMPropID( prop_id );
ExportFile( "ExampleBEM.bem", SET_ALL, EXPORT_BEM );
Definition APIDefines.h:540
void SetBEMPropID(const string &prop_id)
See also
[in]prop_idPropeller Geom ID

◆ SetVSP3FileName()

void vsp::SetVSP3FileName ( const std::string & file_name)

Set the file name of a OpenVSP project

string fid = AddGeom( "FUSELAGE", "" ); // Add Fuselage
string fname = "example_fuse.vsp3";
SetVSP3FileName( fname );
//==== Save Vehicle to File ====//
Print( "\tSaving vehicle file to: ", false );
Print( fname );
//==== Reset Geometry ====//
Print( string( "--->Resetting VSP model to blank slate\n" ) );
ReadVSPFile( fname );
[in]file_nameFile name

◆ WriteVSPFile()

void vsp::WriteVSPFile ( const std::string & file_name,
int set = SET_ALL )

Save the current OpenVSP project to a VSP3 file

string fid = AddGeom( "FUSELAGE", "" ); // Add Fuselage
string fname = "example_fuse.vsp3";
SetVSP3FileName( fname );
//==== Save Vehicle to File ====//
Print( "\tSaving vehicle file to: ", false );
Print( fname );
//==== Reset Geometry ====//
Print( string( "--->Resetting VSP model to blank slate\n" ) );
ReadVSPFile( fname );
[in]file_name*.vsp3 file name
[in]setSet index to write (i.e. SET_ALL)