This group of functions is available for adding, deleting, and modifying OpenVSP Geoms through the API. Click here to return to the main page. More...
Functions | |
std::vector< std::string > | vsp::GetGeomTypes () |
std::string | vsp::AddGeom (const std::string &type, const std::string &parent=std::string()) |
void | vsp::UpdateGeom (const std::string &geom_id) |
void | vsp::DeleteGeom (const std::string &geom_id) |
void | vsp::DeleteGeomVec (const std::vector< std::string > &del_vec) |
void | vsp::CutGeomToClipboard (const std::string &geom_id) |
void | vsp::CopyGeomToClipboard (const std::string &geom_id) |
std::vector< std::string > | vsp::PasteGeomClipboard (const std::string &parent=std::string()) |
std::vector< std::string > | vsp::FindGeoms () |
std::vector< std::string > | vsp::FindGeomsWithName (const std::string &name) |
std::string | vsp::FindGeom (const std::string &name, int index) |
void | vsp::SetGeomName (const std::string &geom_id, const std::string &name) |
std::string | vsp::GetGeomName (const std::string &geom_id) |
std::vector< std::string > | vsp::GetGeomParmIDs (const std::string &geom_id) |
std::string | vsp::GetGeomTypeName (const std::string &geom_id) |
std::string | vsp::GetGeomParent (const std::string &geom_id) |
std::vector< std::string > | vsp::GetGeomChildren (const std::string &geom_id) |
int | vsp::GetNumMainSurfs (const std::string &geom_id) |
int | vsp::GetTotalNumSurfs (const std::string &geom_id) |
int | vsp::GetGeomVSPSurfType (const std::string &geom_id, int main_surf_ind=0) |
int | vsp::GetGeomVSPSurfCfdType (const std::string &geom_id, int main_surf_ind=0) |
vec3d | vsp::GetGeomBBoxMax (const std::string &geom_id, int main_surf_ind=0, bool ref_frame_is_absolute=true) |
vec3d | vsp::GetGeomBBoxMin (const std::string &geom_id, int main_surf_ind=0, bool ref_frame_is_absolute=true) |
void | vsp::SplitWingXSec (const string &wing_id, int section_index) |
void | vsp::SetDriverGroup (const std::string &geom_id, int section_index, int driver_0, int driver_1=-1, int driver_2=-1) |
extern |
Add a new Geom of given type as a child of the specified parent. If no parent or an invalid parent is given, the Geom is placed at the top level
[in] | type | Geom type (i.e FUSELAGE, POD, etc.) |
[in] | parent | Parent Geom ID |
extern |
Copy Geom from current location and store on clipboard
[in] | geom_id | string Geom ID |
extern |
Cut Geom from current location and store on clipboard
[in] | geom_id | string Geom ID |
extern |
Delete a particular Geom
[in] | geom_id | string Geom ID |
extern |
Delete multiple Geoms
[in] | del_vec | vector<string> Vector of Geom IDs |
extern |
Find and return the Geom ID with the specified name at given index. Equivalent to FindGeomsWithName( name )[index].
[in] | name | Geom name |
[in] | index |
extern |
Find and return all Geom IDs in the model
extern |
Find and return all Geom IDs with the specified name
[in] | name | Geom name |
extern |
Get the the maximum coordinate of the bounding box of a Geom with given main surface index. The Geom bounding box may be specified in absolute or body reference frame.
[in] | geom_id | string Geom ID |
[in] | main_surf_ind | Main surface index |
[in] | ref_frame_is_absolute | Flag to specify absolute or body reference frame |
extern |
Get the the minimum coordinate of the bounding box of a Geom with given main surface index. The Geom bounding box may be specified in absolute or body reference frame.
[in] | geom_id | string Geom ID |
[in] | main_surf_ind | Main surface index |
[in] | ref_frame_is_absolute | Flag to specify absolute or body reference frame |
extern |
Get the IDs for each child of the input parent Geom.
[in] | geom_id | string Geom ID |
extern |
Get the name of a specific Geom
[in] | geom_id | string Geom ID |
extern |
Get the parent Geom ID for the input child Geom. "NONE" is returned if the Geom has no parent.
[in] | geom_id | string Geom ID |
extern |
Get all Parm IDs associated with this Geom Parm container
[in] | geom_id | string Geom ID |
extern |
Get the type name of specified Geom (i.e. FUSELAGE)
[in] | geom_id | string Geom ID |
extern |
Get an array of all Geom types (i.e FUSELAGE, POD, etc.)
extern |
Get the VSP surface CFD type of the specified Geom
[in] | geom_id | string Geom ID |
[in] | main_surf_ind | Main surface index |
extern |
Get the VSP surface type of the specified Geom
[in] | geom_id | string Geom ID |
[in] | main_surf_ind | Main surface index |
extern |
Get the number of main surfaces for the specified Geom. Multiple main surfaces may exist for CustoGeoms, propellors, etc., but does not include surfaces created due to symmetry.
[in] | geom_id | string Geom ID |
extern |
Get the total number of surfaces for the specified Geom. This is equivalent to the number of main surface multiplied by the number of symmetric copies.
[in] | geom_id | string Geom ID |
extern |
Paste Geom from clipboard into the model. The Geom is pasted as a child of the specified parent, but will be placed at top level if no parent or an invalid one is provided.
[in] | parent | string Parent Geom ID |
extern |
Set the driver group for a wing section or a XSecCurve. Care has to be taken when setting these driver groups to ensure a valid combination.
[in] | geom_id | string Geom ID |
[in] | section_index | Wing section index |
[in] | driver_0 | First driver enum (i.e. SPAN_WSECT_DRIVER) |
[in] | driver_1 | Second driver enum (i.e. ROOTC_WSECT_DRIVER) |
[in] | driver_2 | Third driver enum (i.e. TIPC_WSECT_DRIVER) |
extern |
Set the name of the specified Geom
[in] | geom_id | string Geom ID |
[in] | name | Geom name |
extern |
Split a given wing section.
[in] | wing_id | string Geom ID |
[in] | section_index | Wing section index |
extern |
Perform an update for the specified Geom
[in] | geom_id | string Geom ID |