OpenVSP API Documentation 3.42.3
No Matches
FEA Mesh Functions

The following group of API functions supports all functionality of the FEA Mesh Tool. Structures, FEA Parts, materials, and properties can be defined and manipulated. Mesh and output file settings can be adjusted, and an FEA mesh can be generated. Click here to return to the main page. More...


int vsp::AddFeaStruct (const std::string &geom_id, bool init_skin=true, int surfindex=0)
void vsp::SetFeaMeshStructIndex (int struct_index)
void vsp::DeleteFeaStruct (const std::string &geom_id, int fea_struct_ind)
std::string vsp::GetFeaStructID (const std::string &geom_id, int fea_struct_ind)
int vsp::GetFeaStructIndex (const std::string &struct_id)
std::string vsp::GetFeaStructParentGeomID (const std::string &struct_id)
std::string vsp::GetFeaStructName (const std::string &geom_id, int fea_struct_ind)
void vsp::SetFeaStructName (const std::string &geom_id, int fea_struct_ind, const std::string &name)
std::vector< std::string > vsp::GetFeaStructIDVec ()
void vsp::SetFeaPartName (const std::string &part_id, const std::string &name)
std::string vsp::AddFeaPart (const std::string &geom_id, int fea_struct_ind, int type)
void vsp::DeleteFeaPart (const std::string &geom_id, int fea_struct_ind, const std::string &part_id)
std::string vsp::GetFeaPartID (const std::string &fea_struct_id, int fea_part_index)
std::string vsp::GetFeaPartName (const std::string &part_id)
int vsp::GetFeaPartType (const std::string &part_id)
std::vector< std::string > vsp::GetFeaPartIDVec (const std::string &fea_struct_id)
std::vector< std::string > vsp::GetFeaSubSurfIDVec (const std::string &fea_struct_id)
void vsp::SetFeaPartPerpendicularSparID (const std::string &part_id, const std::string &perpendicular_spar_id)
std::string vsp::GetFeaPartPerpendicularSparID (const std::string &part_id)
void vsp::SetFeaSubSurfName (const std::string &subsurf_id, const std::string &name)
std::string vsp::GetFeaSubSurfName (const std::string &subsurf_id)
std::string vsp::AddFeaSubSurf (const std::string &geom_id, int fea_struct_ind, int type)
void vsp::DeleteFeaSubSurf (const std::string &geom_id, int fea_struct_ind, const std::string &ss_id)
int vsp::GetFeaSubSurfIndex (const string &ss_id)
int vsp::NumFeaStructures ()
int vsp::NumFeaParts (const std::string &fea_struct_id)
int vsp::NumFeaSubSurfs (const std::string &fea_struct_id)
std::string vsp::AddFeaBC (const string &fea_struct_id, int type=-1)
void vsp::DelFeaBC (const string &fea_struct_id, const std::string &bc_id)
std::vector< std::string > vsp::GetFeaBCIDVec (const string &fea_struct_id)
int vsp::NumFeaBCs (const string &fea_struct_id)
std::string vsp::AddFeaMaterial ()
std::string vsp::AddFeaProperty (int property_type=0)
void vsp::SetFeaMeshVal (const std::string &geom_id, int fea_struct_ind, int type, double val)
void vsp::SetFeaMeshFileName (const std::string &geom_id, int fea_struct_ind, int file_type, const string &file_name)
void vsp::ComputeFeaMesh (const std::string &geom_id, int fea_struct_ind, int file_type)
void vsp::ComputeFeaMesh (const std::string &struct_id, int file_type)

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ AddFeaBC()

std::string vsp::AddFeaBC ( const string & fea_struct_id,
int type = -1 )

Add an FEA BC to a Structure

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
string struct_id = GetFeaStructID( pod_id, struct_ind );
//==== Add BC ====//
string bc_id = AddFeaBC( struct_id, FEA_BC_STRUCTURE );
Definition APIDefines.h:556
std::string AddFeaBC(const string &fea_struct_id, int type=-1)
int AddFeaStruct(const std::string &geom_id, bool init_skin=true, int surfindex=0)
std::string GetFeaStructID(const std::string &geom_id, int fea_struct_ind)
std::string AddGeom(const std::string &type, const std::string &parent=std::string())
See also
[in]stringfea_struct_id FEA Structure ID
[in]stringtype FEA BC type enum ( i.e. FEA_BC_STRUCTURE )

◆ AddFeaMaterial()

std::string vsp::AddFeaMaterial ( )

Add an FEA Material the FEA Mesh material library. Materials are available across all Geoms and Structures.

//==== Create FeaMaterial ====//
string mat_id = AddFeaMaterial();
SetParmVal( FindParm( mat_id, "MassDensity", "FeaMaterial" ), 0.016 );
std::string AddFeaMaterial()
std::string FindParm(const std::string &parm_container_id, const std::string &parm_name, const std::string &group_name)
double SetParmVal(const std::string &parm_id, double val)
FEA Material ID

◆ AddFeaPart()

std::string vsp::AddFeaPart ( const std::string & geom_id,
int fea_struct_ind,
int type )

Add an FEA Part to a Structure

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
//==== Add Bulkead ====//
string bulkhead_id = AddFeaPart( pod_id, struct_ind, FEA_SLICE );
SetParmVal( FindParm( bulkhead_id, "IncludedElements", "FeaPart" ), FEA_SHELL_AND_BEAM );
SetParmVal( FindParm( bulkhead_id, "RelCenterLocation", "FeaPart" ), 0.15 );
Definition APIDefines.h:673
Definition APIDefines.h:655
std::string AddFeaPart(const std::string &geom_id, int fea_struct_ind, int type)
See also
[in]geom_idstring Parent Geom ID
[in]fea_struct_indFEA Structure index
[in]typeFEA Part type enum (i.e. FEA_RIB)

◆ AddFeaProperty()

std::string vsp::AddFeaProperty ( int property_type = 0)

Add aa FEA Property the FEA Mesh property library. Properties are available across all Geoms and Structures. Currently only beam and shell properties are available. Note FEA_SHELL_AND_BEAM is not a valid property type.

//==== Create FeaProperty ====//
string prop_id = AddFeaProperty();
SetParmVal( FindParm( prop_id, "Thickness", "FeaProperty" ), 0.01 );
std::string AddFeaProperty(int property_type=0)
See also
[in]property_typeFEA Property type enum (i.e. FEA_SHELL).
FEA Property ID

◆ AddFeaStruct()

int vsp::AddFeaStruct ( const std::string & geom_id,
bool init_skin = true,
int surfindex = 0 )

Add an FEA Structure to a specified Geom

init_skin should ALWAYS be set to true.
//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
[in]geom_idstring Parent Geom ID
[in]init_skinFlag to initialize the FEA Structure by creating an FEA Skin from the parent Geom's OML at surfindex
[in]surfindexMain surface index for the FEA Structure
FEA Structure index

◆ AddFeaSubSurf()

std::string vsp::AddFeaSubSurf ( const std::string & geom_id,
int fea_struct_ind,
int type )

Add an FEA SubSurface to a Structure

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
//==== Add LineArray ====//
string line_array_id = AddFeaSubSurf( pod_id, struct_ind, SS_LINE_ARRAY );
SetParmVal( FindParm( line_array_id, "ConstLineType", "SS_LineArray" ), 1 ); // Constant W
SetParmVal( FindParm( line_array_id, "Spacing", "SS_LineArray" ), 0.25 );
std::string AddFeaSubSurf(const std::string &geom_id, int fea_struct_ind, int type)
See also
[in]geom_idstring Parent Geom ID
[in]fea_struct_indFEA Structure index
[in]typeFEA SubSurface type enum (i.e. SS_ELLIPSE)
FEA SubSurface ID

◆ ComputeFeaMesh() [1/2]

void vsp::ComputeFeaMesh ( const std::string & geom_id,
int fea_struct_ind,
int file_type )

Compute an FEA Mesh for a Structure. Only a single output file can be generated with this function.

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
string struct_id = GetFeaStructID( pod_id, struct_ind );
//==== Generate FEA Mesh and Export ====//
Print( string( "--> Generating FeaMesh " ) );
//==== Get Parent Geom ID and Index ====//
string parent_id = GetFeaStructParentGeomID( struct_id ); // same as pod_id
ComputeFeaMesh( parent_id, struct_ind, FEA_CALCULIX_FILE_NAME );
// Could also call ComputeFeaMesh ( struct_id, FEA_CALCULIX_FILE_NAME );
Definition APIDefines.h:593
std::string GetFeaStructParentGeomID(const std::string &struct_id)
void ComputeFeaMesh(const std::string &geom_id, int fea_struct_ind, int file_type)
See also
[in]geom_idstring Parent Geom ID
[in]fea_struct_indint FEA Structure index
[in]file_typeint FEA output file type enum (i.e. FEA_EXPORT_TYPE)

◆ ComputeFeaMesh() [2/2]

void vsp::ComputeFeaMesh ( const std::string & struct_id,
int file_type )

Compute an FEA Mesh for a Structure. Only a single output file can be generated with this function.

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
string struct_id = GetFeaStructID( pod_id, struct_ind );
//==== Generate FEA Mesh and Export ====//
Print( string( "--> Generating FeaMesh " ) );
//==== Get Parent Geom ID and Index ====//
string parent_id = GetFeaStructParentGeomID( struct_id ); // same as pod_id
ComputeFeaMesh( parent_id, struct_ind, FEA_CALCULIX_FILE_NAME );
// Could also call ComputeFeaMesh ( struct_id, FEA_CALCULIX_FILE_NAME );
See also
[in]struct_idstring FEA Structure index
[in]file_typeint FEA output file type enum (i.e. FEA_EXPORT_TYPE)

◆ DeleteFeaPart()

void vsp::DeleteFeaPart ( const std::string & geom_id,
int fea_struct_ind,
const std::string & part_id )

Delete an FEA Part from a Structure

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
//==== Add Bulkead ====//
string bulkhead_id = AddFeaPart( pod_id, struct_ind, FEA_SLICE );
//==== Add Fixed Point ====//
string fixed_id = AddFeaPart( pod_id, struct_ind, FEA_FIX_POINT );
//==== Delete Bulkead ====//
DeleteFeaPart( pod_id, struct_ind, bulkhead_id );
Definition APIDefines.h:676
void DeleteFeaPart(const std::string &geom_id, int fea_struct_ind, const std::string &part_id)
[in]geom_idstring Parent Geom ID
[in]fea_struct_indFEA Structure index
[in]part_idFEA Part ID

◆ DeleteFeaStruct()

void vsp::DeleteFeaStruct ( const std::string & geom_id,
int fea_struct_ind )

Delete an FEA Structure and all FEA Parts and FEA SubSurfaces associated with it

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind_1 = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
int struct_ind_2 = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
DeleteFeaStruct( pod_id, struct_ind_1 );
void DeleteFeaStruct(const std::string &geom_id, int fea_struct_ind)
[in]geom_idstring Parent Geom ID
[in]fea_struct_indFEA Structure index

◆ DeleteFeaSubSurf()

void vsp::DeleteFeaSubSurf ( const std::string & geom_id,
int fea_struct_ind,
const std::string & ss_id )

Delete an FEA SubSurface from a Structure

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
//==== Add LineArray ====//
string line_array_id = AddFeaSubSurf( pod_id, struct_ind, SS_LINE_ARRAY );
//==== Add Rectangle ====//
string rect_id = AddFeaSubSurf( pod_id, struct_ind, SS_RECTANGLE );
//==== Delete LineArray ====//
DeleteFeaSubSurf( pod_id, struct_ind, line_array_id );
void DeleteFeaSubSurf(const std::string &geom_id, int fea_struct_ind, const std::string &ss_id)
[in]geom_idstring Parent Geom ID
[in]fea_struct_indFEA Structure index
[in]ss_idFEA SubSurface ID

◆ DelFeaBC()

void vsp::DelFeaBC ( const string & fea_struct_id,
const std::string & bc_id )

Delete an FEA BC from a Structure

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
string struct_id = GetFeaStructID( pod_id, struct_ind );
//==== Add BC ====//
string bc_id = AddFeaBC( struct_id, FEA_BC_STRUCTURE );
DelFeaBC( struct_id, bc_id );
void DelFeaBC(const string &fea_struct_id, const std::string &bc_id)
See also
[in]stringfea_struct_id FEA Structure ID
[in]stringbc_id FEA BC ID

◆ GetFeaBCIDVec()

std::vector< std::string > vsp::GetFeaBCIDVec ( const string & fea_struct_id)

Return a vector of FEA BC ID's for a structure

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
string struct_id = GetFeaStructID( pod_id, struct_ind );
//==== Add BC ====//
string bc_id = AddFeaBC( struct_id, FEA_BC_STRUCTURE );
array < string > bc_id_vec = GetFeaBCIDVec( struct_id );
std::vector< std::string > GetFeaBCIDVec(const string &fea_struct_id)
[in]stringfea_struct_id FEA Structure ID
Array of FEA BC IDs

◆ GetFeaPartID()

std::string vsp::GetFeaPartID ( const std::string & fea_struct_id,
int fea_part_index )

Get the Parm ID of an FEA Part, identified from a FEA Structure Parm ID and FEA Part index.

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
string struct_id = GetFeaStructID( pod_id, struct_ind );
//==== Add Bulkead ====//
string bulkhead_id = AddFeaPart( pod_id, struct_ind, FEA_SLICE );
if ( bulkhead_id != GetFeaPartID( struct_id, 1 ) ) // These should be equivalent (index 0 is skin)
Print( "Error: GetFeaPartID" );
std::string GetFeaPartID(const std::string &fea_struct_id, int fea_part_index)
void Update(bool update_managers=true)
[in]fea_struct_idFEA Structure ID
[in]fea_part_indexFEA Part index

◆ GetFeaPartIDVec()

std::vector< std::string > vsp::GetFeaPartIDVec ( const std::string & fea_struct_id)

Get the IDs of all FEA Parts in the given FEA Structure

//==== Add Geometries ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
string struct_id = GetFeaStructID( pod_id, struct_ind );
//==== Add FEA Parts ====//
string slice_id = AddFeaPart( pod_id, struct_ind, FEA_SLICE );
string dome_id = AddFeaPart( pod_id, struct_ind, FEA_DOME );
array < string > part_id_vec = GetFeaPartIDVec( struct_id ); // Should include slice_id & dome_id
Definition APIDefines.h:677
std::vector< std::string > GetFeaPartIDVec(const std::string &fea_struct_id)
See also
[in]fea_struct_idFEA Structure ID
Array of FEA Part IDs

◆ GetFeaPartName()

std::string vsp::GetFeaPartName ( const std::string & part_id)

Get the name of an FEA Part

//==== Add Fuselage Geometry ====//
string fuse_id = AddGeom( "FUSELAGE" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( fuse_id );
//==== Add Bulkead ====//
string bulkhead_id = AddFeaPart( fuse_id, struct_ind, FEA_SLICE );
string name = "example_name";
SetFeaPartName( bulkhead_id, name );
if ( name != GetFeaPartName( bulkhead_id ) ) // These should be equivalent
Print( "Error: GetFeaPartName" );
void SetFeaPartName(const std::string &part_id, const std::string &name)
std::string GetFeaPartName(const std::string &part_id)
See also
[in]part_idFEA Part ID
FEA Part name

◆ GetFeaPartPerpendicularSparID()

std::string vsp::GetFeaPartPerpendicularSparID ( const std::string & part_id)

Get the ID of the perpendicular spar for an FEA Rib or Rib Array. Note, the FEA Rib or Rib Array doesn't have to have "SPAR_NORMAL" set for the "PerpendicularEdgeType" Parm for this function to still return a value.

//==== Add Wing Geometry ====//
string wing_id = AddGeom( "WING" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Wing ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( wing_id );
//==== Add Rib ====//
string rib_id = AddFeaPart( wing_id, struct_ind, FEA_RIB );
//==== Add Spars ====//
string spar_id_1 = AddFeaPart( wing_id, struct_ind, FEA_SPAR );
string spar_id_2 = AddFeaPart( wing_id, struct_ind, FEA_SPAR );
SetParmVal( FindParm( spar_id_1, "RelCenterLocation", "FeaPart" ), 0.25 );
SetParmVal( FindParm( spar_id_2, "RelCenterLocation", "FeaPart" ), 0.75 );
//==== Set Perpendicular Edge type to SPAR ====//
SetParmVal( FindParm( rib_id, "PerpendicularEdgeType", "FeaRib" ), SPAR_NORMAL );
SetFeaPartPerpendicularSparID( rib_id, spar_id_2 );
if ( spar_id_2 != GetFeaPartPerpendicularSparID( rib_id ) )
Print( "Error: GetFeaPartPerpendicularSparID" );
Definition APIDefines.h:716
Definition APIDefines.h:674
Definition APIDefines.h:675
std::string GetFeaPartPerpendicularSparID(const std::string &part_id)
void SetFeaPartPerpendicularSparID(const std::string &part_id, const std::string &perpendicular_spar_id)
See also
FEA_RIB_NORMAL, SetFeaPartPerpendicularSparID
[in]part_idFEA Part ID (Rib or Rib Array Type)
Perpendicular FEA Spar ID

◆ GetFeaPartType()

int vsp::GetFeaPartType ( const std::string & part_id)

Get the type of an FEA Part

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
//==== Add Slice ====//
string slice_id = AddFeaPart( pod_id, struct_ind, FEA_SLICE );
if ( FEA_SLICE != GetFeaPartType( slice_id ) ) // These should be equivalent
Print( "Error: GetFeaPartType" );
int GetFeaPartType(const std::string &part_id)
See also
[in]part_idFEA Part ID
FEA Part type enum

◆ GetFeaStructID()

std::string vsp::GetFeaStructID ( const std::string & geom_id,
int fea_struct_ind )

Get the ID of an FEA Structure

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
string struct_id = GetFeaStructID( pod_id, struct_ind );
[in]geom_idstring Parent Geom ID
[in]fea_struct_indFEA Structure index
FEA Structure ID

◆ GetFeaStructIDVec()

std::vector< std::string > vsp::GetFeaStructIDVec ( )

Get the IDs of all FEA Structures in the vehicle

//==== Add Geometries ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
string wing_id = AddGeom( "WING" );
//==== Add FeaStructures ====//
int pod_struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
int wing_struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( wing_id );
array < string > struct_id_vec = GetFeaStructIDVec();
std::vector< std::string > GetFeaStructIDVec()
See also
Array of FEA Structure IDs

◆ GetFeaStructIndex()

int vsp::GetFeaStructIndex ( const std::string & struct_id)

Get the index of an FEA Structure in its Parent Geom's vector of Structures

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind_1 = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
int struct_ind_2 = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
string struct_id_2 = GetFeaStructID( pod_id, struct_ind_2 );
DeleteFeaStruct( pod_id, struct_ind_1 );
int struct_ind_2_new = GetFeaStructIndex( struct_id_2 );
int GetFeaStructIndex(const std::string &struct_id)
[in]struct_idFEA Structure ID
FEA Structure index

◆ GetFeaStructName()

std::string vsp::GetFeaStructName ( const std::string & geom_id,
int fea_struct_ind )

Get the name of an FEA Structure. The FEA Structure name functions as the the Parm Container name

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
//==== Get Structure Name ====//
string parm_container_name = GetFeaStructName( pod_id, struct_ind );
string display_name = string("Current Structure Parm Container Name: ") + parm_container_name + string("\n");
Print( display_name );
std::string GetFeaStructName(const std::string &geom_id, int fea_struct_ind)
See also
FindContainer, SetFeaStructName
[in]geom_idstring Parent Geom ID
[in]fea_struct_indFEA Structure index
Name for the FEA Structure

◆ GetFeaStructParentGeomID()

std::string vsp::GetFeaStructParentGeomID ( const std::string & struct_id)

Get the Parent Geom ID for an FEA Structure

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
string struct_id = GetFeaStructID( pod_id, struct_ind );
//==== Get Parent Geom ID and Index ====//
string parent_id = GetFeaStructParentGeomID( struct_id );
[in]struct_idFEA Structure ID
Parent Geom ID

◆ GetFeaSubSurfIDVec()

std::vector< std::string > vsp::GetFeaSubSurfIDVec ( const std::string & fea_struct_id)

Get the IDs of all FEA SubSurfaces in the given FEA Structure

//==== Add Geometries ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
string struct_id = GetFeaStructID( pod_id, struct_ind );
//==== Add SubSurfaces ====//
string line_array_id = AddFeaSubSurf( pod_id, struct_ind, SS_LINE_ARRAY );
string rectangle_id = AddFeaSubSurf( pod_id, struct_ind, SS_RECTANGLE );
array < string > part_id_vec = GetFeaSubSurfIDVec( struct_id ); // Should include line_array_id & rectangle_id
std::vector< std::string > GetFeaSubSurfIDVec(const std::string &fea_struct_id)
See also
[in]fea_struct_idFEA Structure ID
Array of FEA Part IDs

◆ GetFeaSubSurfIndex()

int vsp::GetFeaSubSurfIndex ( const string & ss_id)

Get the index of an FEA SubSurface give the SubSurface ID

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
//==== Add Slice ====//
string slice_id = AddFeaPart( pod_id, struct_ind, FEA_SLICE );
//==== Add LineArray ====//
string line_array_id = AddFeaSubSurf( pod_id, struct_ind, SS_LINE_ARRAY );
//==== Add Rectangle ====//
string rect_id = AddFeaSubSurf( pod_id, struct_ind, SS_RECTANGLE );
if ( 1 != GetFeaSubSurfIndex( rect_id ) ) // These should be equivalent
Print( "Error: GetFeaSubSurfIndex" );
int GetFeaSubSurfIndex(const string &ss_id)
[in]ss_idFEA SubSurface ID
FEA SubSurface Index

◆ GetFeaSubSurfName()

std::string vsp::GetFeaSubSurfName ( const std::string & subsurf_id)

Set the name of an FEA SubSurface

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
//==== Add LineArray ====//
string line_array_id = AddFeaSubSurf( pod_id, struct_ind, SS_LINE_ARRAY );
string name = "example_name";
SetFeaSubSurfName( line_array_id, name );
if ( name != GetFeaSubSurfName( line_array_id ) ) // These should be equivalent
Print( "Error: GetFeaSubSurfName" );
void SetFeaSubSurfName(const std::string &subsurf_id, const std::string &name)
std::string GetFeaSubSurfName(const std::string &subsurf_id)
[in]subsurf_idFEA SubSurface ID
FEA SubSurf name

◆ NumFeaBCs()

int vsp::NumFeaBCs ( const string & fea_struct_id)

Return number of FEA BC's in a structure

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
string struct_id = GetFeaStructID( pod_id, struct_ind );
//==== Add BC ====//
string bc_id = AddFeaBC( struct_id, FEA_BC_STRUCTURE );
int nbc = NumFeaBCs( struct_id );
int NumFeaBCs(const string &fea_struct_id)
[in]stringfea_struct_id FEA Structure ID
Number of FEA BCs

◆ NumFeaParts()

int vsp::NumFeaParts ( const std::string & fea_struct_id)

Get the number of FEA Parts for a particular FEA Structure

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
string struct_id = GetFeaStructID( pod_id, struct_ind );
//==== Add FEA Parts ====//
string slice_id = AddFeaPart( pod_id, struct_ind, FEA_SLICE );
string dome_id = AddFeaPart( pod_id, struct_ind, FEA_DOME );
if ( NumFeaParts( struct_id ) != 3 ) // Includes FeaSkin
Print( "Error: NumFeaParts" );
int NumFeaParts(const std::string &fea_struct_id)
See also
[in]fea_struct_idFEA Structure ID
Number of FEA Parts

◆ NumFeaStructures()

int vsp::NumFeaStructures ( )

Get the total number of FEA Subsurfaces in the vehicle

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string wing_id = AddGeom( "WING" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_1 = AddFeaStruct( wing_id );
int struct_2 = AddFeaStruct( wing_id );
if ( NumFeaStructures() != 2 )
Print( "Error: NumFeaStructures" );
int NumFeaStructures()
See also
Total Number of FEA Structures

◆ NumFeaSubSurfs()

int vsp::NumFeaSubSurfs ( const std::string & fea_struct_id)

Get the number of FEA Subsurfaces for a particular FEA Structure

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string wing_id = AddGeom( "WING" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( wing_id );
string struct_id = GetFeaStructID( wing_id, struct_ind );
//==== Add SubSurfaces ====//
string line_array_id = AddFeaSubSurf( wing_id, struct_ind, SS_LINE_ARRAY );
string rectangle_id = AddFeaSubSurf( wing_id, struct_ind, SS_RECTANGLE );
if ( NumFeaSubSurfs( struct_id ) != 2 )
Print( "Error: NumFeaSubSurfs" );
int NumFeaSubSurfs(const std::string &fea_struct_id)
See also
[in]fea_struct_idFEA Structure ID
Number of FEA SubSurfaces

◆ SetFeaMeshFileName()

void vsp::SetFeaMeshFileName ( const std::string & geom_id,
int fea_struct_ind,
int file_type,
const string & file_name )

Set the name of a particular FEA Mesh output file for a specified Structure

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
string struct_id = GetFeaStructID( pod_id, struct_ind );
//=== Set Export File Name ===//
string export_name = "FEAMeshTest_calculix.dat";
//==== Get Parent Geom ID and Index ====//
string parent_id = GetFeaStructParentGeomID( struct_id ); // same as pod_id
SetFeaMeshFileName( parent_id, struct_ind, FEA_CALCULIX_FILE_NAME, export_name );
void SetFeaMeshFileName(const std::string &geom_id, int fea_struct_ind, int file_type, const string &file_name)
[in]geom_idstring Parent Geom ID
[in]fea_struct_indFEA Structure index
[in]file_typeFEA output file type enum (i.e. FEA_EXPORT_TYPE)
[in]file_nameName for the output file

◆ SetFeaMeshStructIndex()

void vsp::SetFeaMeshStructIndex ( int struct_index)

Sets FeaMeshMgr m_FeaMeshStructIndex member using passed in index of a FeaStructure

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
SetFeaMeshStructIndex( struct_ind );
if ( FindGeoms().size() != 0 ) { Print( "ERROR: VSPRenew" ); }
void SetFeaMeshStructIndex(int struct_index)
std::vector< std::string > FindGeoms()

◆ SetFeaMeshVal()

void vsp::SetFeaMeshVal ( const std::string & geom_id,
int fea_struct_ind,
int type,
double val )

Set the value of a particular FEA Mesh option for the specified Structure. Note, FEA Mesh makes use of enums initially created for CFD Mesh but not all CFD Mesh options are available for FEA Mesh.

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
//==== Adjust FeaMeshSettings ====//
SetFeaMeshVal( pod_id, struct_ind, CFD_MAX_EDGE_LEN, 0.75 );
SetFeaMeshVal( pod_id, struct_ind, CFD_MIN_EDGE_LEN, 0.2 );
Definition APIDefines.h:189
Definition APIDefines.h:190
void SetFeaMeshVal(const std::string &geom_id, int fea_struct_ind, int type, double val)
See also
[in]geom_idstring Parent Geom ID
[in]fea_struct_indFEA Structure index
[in]typeFEA Mesh option type enum (i.e. CFD_MAX_EDGE_LEN)
[in]valValue the option is set to

◆ SetFeaPartName()

void vsp::SetFeaPartName ( const std::string & part_id,
const std::string & name )

Set the name of an FEA Part

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
//==== Add Bulkead ====//
string bulkhead_id = AddFeaPart( pod_id, struct_ind, FEA_SLICE );
SetFeaPartName( bulkhead_id, "Bulkhead" );
See also
[in]part_idFEA Part ID
[in]nameNew name for the FEA Part

◆ SetFeaPartPerpendicularSparID()

void vsp::SetFeaPartPerpendicularSparID ( const std::string & part_id,
const std::string & perpendicular_spar_id )

Set the ID of the perpendicular spar for an FEA Rib or Rib Array. Note, the FEA Rib or Rib Array should have "SPAR_NORMAL" set for the "PerpendicularEdgeType" Parm. If it is not, the ID will still be set, but the orientation of the Rib or Rib Array will not change.

//==== Add Wing Geometry ====//
string wing_id = AddGeom( "WING" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Wing ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( wing_id );
//==== Add Rib ====//
string rib_id = AddFeaPart( wing_id, struct_ind, FEA_RIB );
//==== Add Spars ====//
string spar_id_1 = AddFeaPart( wing_id, struct_ind, FEA_SPAR );
string spar_id_2 = AddFeaPart( wing_id, struct_ind, FEA_SPAR );
SetParmVal( FindParm( spar_id_1, "RelCenterLocation", "FeaPart" ), 0.25 );
SetParmVal( FindParm( spar_id_2, "RelCenterLocation", "FeaPart" ), 0.75 );
//==== Set Perpendicular Edge type to SPAR ====//
SetParmVal( FindParm( rib_id, "PerpendicularEdgeType", "FeaRib" ), SPAR_NORMAL );
SetFeaPartPerpendicularSparID( rib_id, spar_id_2 );
if ( spar_id_2 != GetFeaPartPerpendicularSparID( rib_id ) )
Print( "Error: SetFeaPartPerpendicularSparID" );
See also
FEA_RIB_NORMAL, GetFeaPartPerpendicularSparID
[in]part_idFEA Part ID (Rib or Rib Array Type)
[in]perpendicular_spar_idFEA Spar ID

◆ SetFeaStructName()

void vsp::SetFeaStructName ( const std::string & geom_id,
int fea_struct_ind,
const std::string & name )

Set the name of an FEA Structure

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
//==== Change the Structure Name ====//
SetFeaStructName( pod_id, struct_ind, "Example_Struct" );
string parm_container_id = FindContainer( "Example_Struct", struct_ind );
string display_id = string("New Structure Parm Container ID: ") + parm_container_id + string("\n");
Print( display_id );
void SetFeaStructName(const std::string &geom_id, int fea_struct_ind, const std::string &name)
std::string FindContainer(const std::string &name, int index)
See also
[in]geom_idstring Parent Geom ID
[in]fea_struct_indFEA Structure index
[in]nameNew name for the FEA Structure

◆ SetFeaSubSurfName()

void vsp::SetFeaSubSurfName ( const std::string & subsurf_id,
const std::string & name )

Set the name of an FEA SubSurface

//==== Add Pod Geometry ====//
string pod_id = AddGeom( "POD" );
//==== Add FeaStructure to Pod ====//
int struct_ind = AddFeaStruct( pod_id );
//==== Add LineArray ====//
string line_array_id = AddFeaSubSurf( pod_id, struct_ind, SS_LINE_ARRAY );
SetFeaSubSurfName( line_array_id, "Stiffener_array" );
[in]subsurf_idFEA SubSurface ID
[in]nameNew name for the FEA SubSurface