This group is for functions included in the Attributes Manager. The Attributes Manager stores Attributes and provides methods to add, delete, get and set them. Click here to return to the main page. More...
Functions | |
string | vsp::SummarizeAttributes () |
string | vsp::SummarizeAttributesAsTree () |
vector< string > | vsp::FindAllAttributes () |
vector< string > | vsp::FindAttributesByName (const string &search_str) |
string | vsp::FindAttributeByName (const string &search_str, int index) |
string | vsp::FindAttributeInCollection (const string &obj_id, const string &search_str, int index) |
vector< string > | vsp::FindAttributeNamesInCollection (const string &collID) |
vector< string > | vsp::FindAttributesInCollection (const string &collID) |
vector< string > | vsp::FindAttributedObjects () |
int | vsp::GetObjectType (const string &attachID) |
string | vsp::GetObjectTypeName (const string &attachID) |
string | vsp::GetObjectName (const string &attachID) |
string | vsp::GetObjectParent (const string &id) |
string | vsp::GetChildCollection (const string &attachID) |
string | vsp::GetGeomSetCollection (const int &index) |
string | vsp::GetAttributeName (const string &attrID) |
string | vsp::GetAttributeID (const string &collID, const string &attributeName, int index) |
string | vsp::GetAttributeDoc (const string &attrID) |
int | vsp::GetAttributeType (const string &attrID) |
string | vsp::GetAttributeTypeName (const string &attrID) |
vector< int > | vsp::GetAttributeBoolVal (const string &attrID) |
vector< int > | vsp::GetAttributeIntVal (const string &attrID) |
vector< double > | vsp::GetAttributeDoubleVal (const string &attrID) |
vector< string > | vsp::GetAttributeStringVal (const string &attrID) |
vector< double > | vsp::GetAttributeParmVal (const string &attrID) |
vector< string > | vsp::GetAttributeParmName (const string &attrID) |
vector< vec3d > | vsp::GetAttributeVec3dVal (const string &attrID) |
vector< vector< int > > | vsp::GetAttributeIntMatrixVal (const string &attrID) |
vector< vector< double > > | vsp::GetAttributeDoubleMatrixVal (const string &attrID) |
void | vsp::SetAttributeName (const string &attrID, const string &name) |
void | vsp::SetAttributeDoc (const string &attrID, const string &doc) |
void | vsp::SetAttributeBool (const string &attrID, bool value) |
void | vsp::SetAttributeInt (const string &attrID, int value) |
void | vsp::SetAttributeDouble (const string &attrID, double value) |
void | vsp::SetAttributeString (const string &attrID, const string &value) |
void | vsp::SetAttributeParmID (const string &attrID, const string &value) |
void | vsp::SetAttributeVec3d (const string &attrID, const vector< vec3d > value) |
void | vsp::SetAttributeIntMatrix (const string &attrID, const vector< vector< int > > value) |
void | vsp::SetAttributeDoubleMatrix (const string &attrID, const vector< vector< double > > value) |
void | vsp::DeleteAttribute (const string &attrID) |
string | vsp::AddAttributeBool (const string &collID, const string &attributeName, bool value) |
string | vsp::AddAttributeInt (const string &collID, const string &attributeName, const int value) |
string | vsp::AddAttributeDouble (const string &collID, const string &attributeName, const double value) |
string | vsp::AddAttributeString (const string &collID, const string &attributeName, const string &value) |
string | vsp::AddAttributeParm (const string &collID, const string &attributeName, const string &parmID) |
string | vsp::AddAttributeVec3d (const string &collID, const string &attributeName, const vector< vec3d > &value) |
string | vsp::AddAttributeIntMatrix (const string &collID, const string &attributeName, const vector< vector< int > > &value) |
string | vsp::AddAttributeDoubleMatrix (const string &collID, const string &attributeName, const vector< vector< double > > &value) |
string | vsp::AddAttributeGroup (const string &collID, const string &attributeName) |
int | vsp::CopyAttribute (const string &attrID) |
void | vsp::CutAttribute (const string &attrID) |
vector< string > | vsp::PasteAttribute (const string &coll_id) |
extern |
Add a boolean attribute by name to an attribute collection
[in] | collID | string ID of attribute collection |
[in] | attributeName | string name of new attribute |
[in] | value | boolean value of new attribute |
extern |
Add a double attribute by name to an attribute collection
[in] | collID | string ID of attribute collection |
[in] | attributeName | string name of new attribute |
[in] | value | double value of new attribute |
extern |
Add an Double Matrix attribute by name to an attribute collection use nested vectors/arrays of ints for matrix argument
[in] | collID | string ID of attribute collection |
[in] | attributeName | string name of new attribute |
[in] | value | Double matrix value of new attribute |
extern |
Add an empty Attribute Group-type attribute by name to an attribute collection
[in] | collID | string ID of attribute collection |
[in] | attributeName | string name of new attribute group |
extern |
Add a integer attribute by name to an attribute collection
[in] | collID | string ID of attribute collection |
[in] | attributeName | string name of new attribute |
[in] | value | integer value of new attribute |
extern |
Add an Int Matrix attribute by name to an attribute collection use nested vectors/arrays of ints for matrix argument
[in] | collID | string ID of attribute collection |
[in] | attributeName | string name of new attribute |
[in] | value | int matrix value of new attribute |
extern |
Add a parm attribute by name to an attribute collection
[in] | collID | string ID of attribute collection |
[in] | attributeName | string name of new attribute |
[in] | value | string value of new attribute |
extern |
Add a string attribute by name to an attribute collection
[in] | collID | string ID of attribute collection |
[in] | attributeName | string name of new attribute |
[in] | value | string value of new attribute |
extern |
Add a Vec3d attribute by name to an attribute collection use vsp.vec3d() to create a vec3d object to pass into the args!
[in] | collID | string ID of attribute collection |
[in] | attributeName | string name of new attribute |
[in] | value | Vec3d value of new attribute |
extern |
Copy an attribute to the clipboard by attributeID
[in] | attrID | string ID of attribute to be copied |
extern |
Cut an attribute from its collection to the clipboard by attributeID
[in] | attrID | string ID of attribute to be copied |
extern |
Delete attribute by attribute ID
[in] | attrID | string of attribute ID |
extern |
Returns a vector of string IDs for all Attributes in the vehicle
extern |
Searches all attributes that contain the search string, case insensitive, and returns the user-specified index
[in] | search_str | string for filtering attributes in model |
[in] | index | int for indexing which of the vector of found attributes to select |
extern |
Get array of IDs of all OpenVSP entities that have populated attributeCollections Includes attributeGroups
extern |
Searches all attributes in an OpenVSP object or AttributeCollection that contain the search string, case insensitive, and returns the user-specified index. Works either with the ID of an object that contains an attributeCollection or just the ID of an attributeCollection.
[in] | obj_id | id of object to search within for attributes |
[in] | search_str | string for filtering attributes in object |
[in] | index | int for indexing which of the vector of found attributes to select |
extern |
Return a list of all attribute Names within an attribute collection
[in] | collID | string ID of an attribute collection |
extern |
Returns all attributes that contain the string search_str within their name, case insensitive
[in] | search_str | string for filtering attributes in model |
extern |
Get all attribute IDs within a single AttributeCollection, referenced by collID
[in] | collID | string ID of an attribute collection |
extern |
Get the boolean value of a bool-type attribute
[in] | attrID | string ID of attribute |
extern |
Return string doc of attribute by its ID
[in] | attrID | string ID of attribute |
extern |
Get the Double Matrix of an Double-matrix-type attribute
[in] | attrID | string ID of attribute |
extern |
Get the double value of a double-type attribute
[in] | attrID | string ID of attribute |
extern |
Return the ID of an attribute by its name and collection ID
[in] | collID | string ID of an attribute collection |
[in] | attributeName | name of an attribute in that collection |
extern |
Get the Int Matrix of an Int-matrix-type attribute
[in] | attrID | string ID of attribute |
extern |
Get the integer value of an int-type attribute
[in] | attrID | string ID of attribute |
extern |
Return the name of an attribute by its ID
[in] | collID | string ID of an attribute collection |
[in] | attributeName | name of an attribute in that collection |
extern |
Get the name of the referenced parm of a parm-type attribute
[in] | attrID | string ID of attribute |
extern |
Get the parm value of a parm-type attribute
[in] | attrID | string ID of attribute |
extern |
Get the string value of a string-type attribute
[in] | attrID | string ID of attribute |
extern |
Get int enum type of attribute by ID Use in conjunction with GetAttributeTypeName for getting strings or with the following enums vsp.BOOL_DATA vsp.INT_DATA vsp.DOUBLE_DATA vsp.STRING_DATA vsp.VEC3D_DATA vsp.INT_MATRIX_DATA vsp.DOUBLE_MATRIX_DATA vsp.NAMEVAL_COLLECTION_DATA vsp.ATTR_COLLECTION_DATA
[in] | attrID | string ID of attribute |
extern |
Get the attribute's type as a string
[in] | attrID | string ID of attribute |
extern |
Get the vec3d value of a string-type attribute
[in] | attrID | string ID of attribute |
extern |
Get collection ID from any OpenVSP object If ID is an attribute collection, return the same ID back If ID is an attribute group, return its nested collection
[in] | attachID | string ID of an OpenVSP object |
extern |
Get collection ID from a vehicle's GeomSet
[in] | attachID | string ID of an OpenVSP object |
extern |
Get the name of an OpenVSP Entity by ID
[in] | attachID | string ID of an OpenVSP object |
extern |
Get the string ID of the entity's parent Attributes -> Attribute Collections Attribute Collections -> Objects that contain attribute Collections Geoms->Parent Geoms Parms->ParmContainers etc.
extern |
Get the type of an OpenVSP Entity by ID
[in] | attachID | string ID of an OpenVSP object |
extern |
Get the named type of an OpenVSP Entity by ID
[in] | attachID | string ID of an OpenVSP object |
extern |
Paste the attribute clipboard to the specified objectID ObjectID can be any OpenVSP entity that contains a AttributeCollection or simply the attributeCollectionID Returns a vector of pasted attributes IDs, if any
[in] | coll_id | string ID of destination for pasting attribute into |
extern |
Set the Bool value of a bool-type Attribute by ID
[in] | attrID | string of attribute ID |
[in] | value | boolean value for attribute |
extern |
Set the docstring of an Attribute by ID
[in] | attrID | string of attribute ID |
[in] | doc | string of documentation for attribute |
extern |
Set the Double value of a double-type Attribute by ID
[in] | attrID | string of attribute ID |
[in] | value | double value for attribute |
extern |
Set the double matrix of a double-matrix-type Attribute by ID
[in] | attrID | string of attribute ID |
[in] | value | double matrix value for attribute |
extern |
Set the Int value of an int-type Attribute by ID
[in] | attrID | string of attribute ID |
[in] | value | int value for attribute |
extern |
Set the int matrix of a int-matrix-type Attribute by ID
[in] | attrID | string of attribute ID |
[in] | value | int matrix value for attribute |
extern |
Set the name of an Attribute by ID
[in] | attrID | string of attribute ID |
[in] | doc | string of documentation for attribute |
extern |
Set the ParmID value of a Parm-type Attribute by ID
[in] | attrID | string of attribute ID |
[in] | value | string value for attribute |
extern |
Set the String value of a string-type Attribute by ID
[in] | attrID | string of attribute ID |
[in] | value | string value for attribute |
extern |
Set the Vec3d value of a Vec3d-type Attribute by ID
[in] | attrID | string of attribute ID |
[in] | value | vec3d value for attribute |
string vsp::SummarizeAttributes | ( | ) |
Print a tab-delimited summary of all Attributes in the vehicle, denoting Name, Type, Data, Description, and path from Root of vehicle to Attribute
string vsp::SummarizeAttributesAsTree | ( | ) |
Print a plain-text tree summary of all Attribute in the vehicle, each branch node showing the name and ID of the VSP object in the path to the attribute