OpenVSP 3.20 just in time for 2020! Start off the new year with a new version with one really cool feature (Smart Input) and a bunch of fixes.
Overall, this update is very small. It wouldn’t cause a .20 bump except that the new feature also adds a new library dependency and that warrants a little more attention.
You may be asking, “What is Smart Input?”. Input boxes (the white box with parameter values) are now smarter. They can now can do simple math (+-*/^).
Maybe you want to nudge a parameter by 0.375 — just click in the input box and put ‘+.375’ after the current value. Maybe you want to double something ‘*2’, increase by 10% ‘*1.1’, convert units on the fly ‘/2.54’. This is a really handy feature that will find many uses.
In addition to Smart Input, there are a handful of build fixes, code cleanups and improvements to the automation of the build process.
- Smart Input for simple math in input boxes
- API examples in documentation
- Draw cg from mass prop screen
- CEDIT improvements
- Make wing section projected area an output Parm
- Add get parent/child to API
- Fix VSPAERO crash for Uber CRM example case
- Lots of cleanups identified through static analysis
- Travis deployment
- Update Travis MacOS build to match release builds
Library Updates:
- Include expparse simple expression parsing library
Bug Fixes:
- Don’t crash structures STEP/IGES output when no structure defined
- Parasite drag for identically named geoms
- DegenGeom crash when subsurfaces extended beyond [0,1]
- CEDIT fixes