OpenVSPAPI  3.23.0
Vec3D Functions

API functions that utilize the vec3d class are grouped here. For details of the class, including member functions, see vec3d.

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double dist (const vec3d &in a, const vec3d &in b)
double dist_squared (const vec3d &in a, const vec3d &in b)
double dot (const vec3d &in a, const vec3d &in b)
vec3d cross (const vec3d &in a, const vec3d &in b)
double angle (const vec3d &in a, const vec3d &in b)
double signed_angle (const vec3d &in a, const vec3d &in b, const vec3d &in ref)
vec3d RotateArbAxis (const vec3d &in p, double theta, const vec3d &in axis)

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ angle()

double angle ( const vec3d &in  a,
const vec3d &in  b 

Calculate the angle between two vec3d inputs (dot product divided by their magnitudes multiplied)

//==== Test Vec3d ====//
vec3d a(), b(); // Default Constructor
//==== Test Angle ====//
a.set_xyz( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
b.set_xyz( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
if ( abs( angle( a, b ) - PI / 4 ) > 1e-6 ) { Print( "---> Error: Vec3d Angle " ); }
[in]aFirst vec3d
[in]bSecond vec3d
Angle in Radians

◆ cross()

vec3d cross ( const vec3d &in  a,
const vec3d &in  b 

Calculate the cross product between two vec3d inputs

//==== Test Vec3d ====//
vec3d a(), b(), c(); // Default Constructor
//==== Test Cross ====//
a.set_xyz( 4.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
b.set_xyz( 0.0, 3.0, 0.0 );
c = cross( a, b );
[in]aFirst vec3d
[in]bSecond vec3d
Cross product

◆ dist()

double dist ( const vec3d &in  a,
const vec3d &in  b 

Calculate the distance between two vec3d inputs

//==== Test Vec3d ====//
vec3d a(), b(); // Default Constructor
//==== Test Dist ====//
a.set_xyz( 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 );
b.set_xyz( 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 );
double d = dist( a, b );
if ( abs( d - sqrt( 14 ) ) > 1e-6 ) { Print( "---> Error: Vec3d Dist " ); }
See also
[in]aFirst vec3d
[in]bSecond vec3d

◆ dist_squared()

double dist_squared ( const vec3d &in  a,
const vec3d &in  b 

Calculate distance squared between two vec3d inputs

//==== Test Vec3d ====//
vec3d a(), b(); // Default Constructor
//==== Test Dist ====//
a.set_xyz( 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 );
b.set_xyz( 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 );
double d2 = dist_squared( a, b );
if ( abs( d2 - 14 ) > 1e-6 ) { Print( "---> Error: Vec3d Dist " ); }
See also
[in]aFirst vec3d
[in]bSecond vec3d
Distance squared

◆ dot()

double dot ( const vec3d &in  a,
const vec3d &in  b 

Calculate the dot product between two vec3d inputs

//==== Test Vec3d ====//
vec3d a(), b(); // Default Constructor
//==== Test Dot ====//
a.set_xyz( 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 );
b.set_xyz( 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 );
if ( abs( dot( a, b ) - 20 ) > 1e-6 ) { Print( "---> Error: Vec3d Dot " ); }
[in]aFirst vec3d
[in]bSecond vec3d
Dot product

◆ RotateArbAxis()

vec3d RotateArbAxis ( const vec3d &in  p,
double  theta,
const vec3d &in  axis 
Calculate the cosine of angle between two vec3d inputs
vec3d pnt = vec3d( 2, 4, 6);

vec3d line_pt1(), line_pt2();

line_pt1.set_z( 4 );
line_pt2.set_y( 3 );

vec3d p_ln1 = pnt - line_pt1;

vec3d ln2_ln1 = line_pt2 - line_pt1;

double numer =  cos_angle( p_ln1, ln2_ln1 ) * p_ln1.mag();
\sa angle
\param [in] a First vec3d
\param [in] b Second vec3d
\return Angle in Radians

*/ double cos_angle(const vec3d&in a, const vec3d&in b);



/*! Rotate a input point by specified angle around an arbitrary axis. Assume right hand coordinate system

//==== Test Vec3d ====//
vec3d a(), b(), c(); // Default Constructor
//==== Test Rotate ====//
a.set_xyz( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
b.set_xyz( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
c.set_xyz( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
c = RotateArbAxis( b, PI, a );
[in]pCoordinate point to rotate
[in]thetaAngle of rotation in Radians
[in]axisReference axis for rotation
Coordinates of rotated point

◆ signed_angle()

double signed_angle ( const vec3d &in  a,
const vec3d &in  b,
const vec3d &in  ref 

Calculate the signed angle between two vec3d inputs (dot product divided by their magnitudes multiplied) and an input reference axis

//==== Test Vec3d ====//
vec3d a(), b(), c(); // Default Constructor
//==== Test Angle ====//
a.set_xyz( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
b.set_xyz( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
c.set_xyz( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
if ( abs( signed_angle( a, b, c ) - -PI / 4 ) > 1e-6 ) { Print( "---> Error: Vec3d SignedAngle " ); }
[in]aFirst vec3d
[in]bSecond vec3d
[in]refReference axis
Angle in Radians
vec3d RotateArbAxis(const vec3d &in p, double theta, const vec3d &in axis)
double dot(const vec3d &in a, const vec3d &in b)
double signed_angle(const vec3d &in a, const vec3d &in b, const vec3d &in ref)
double dist(const vec3d &in a, const vec3d &in b)
A class for representing 3D vectors.
Definition: openvsp_as.h:349
double angle(const vec3d &in a, const vec3d &in b)
void Print(const string &in data, bool new_line=true)
vec3d cross(const vec3d &in a, const vec3d &in b)
double dist_squared(const vec3d &in a, const vec3d &in b)